3pod PHP Learning |
Step 4: On the ’External’ tab, enter: virtual = .php3 | actual = c:\path-to-php-dir\php.exe Step 5: On the Mime tab, enter: virtual = wwwserver/stdcgi | actual = .php3 Step 6: Click OK Repeat steps 2 - 6 for each extension you want to associate with PHP. PHP Modules Table 2-1. PHP Modules php3_calendar.dll Calendar conversion functions php3_crypt.dll Crypt functions php3_dbase.dll DBase functions php3_dbm.dll GDBM emulation via Berkely DB2 library php3_filepro.dll READ ONLY access to filepro databases php3_gd.dll GD Library functions for gif manipulation php3_hyperwave.dll HyperWave functions php3_imap4r2.dll IMAP 4 functions php3_ldap.dll LDAP functions php3_msql1.dll mSQL 1 client php3_msql2.dll mSQL 2 client php3_mssql.dll MSSQL client (requires MSSQL DB-Libraries php3_mysql.dll MySQL functions php3_nsmail.dll Netscape mail functions php3_oci73.dll Oracle functions php3_snmp.dll SNMP get and walk functions (NT only!) php3_zlib.dll ZLib functions 60 |
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